Search Results for: Savasana


Who are you? Are you a brand? Better, are you a celebrity?  Do I know you? Should I? Have you read my site/book/blog/tweet?  Are you almost famous?  Can I friend you?  What do you have for me–me me me? Egad!  We are so noisy.  What has happened to silence, or to coming in second place, or to to not being known? We are so busy shouting no one is listening. How are we ever to become who we need to be if we are pushing to become someone everyone knows, and approves of, or disapproves of?  Better to be notorious than the nice next door neighbor.  Egad indeed. Not only is the pace extreme, demand incessant, distraction heinous, we now push at a before unknown requirement to be seen, even more, to be heard.  It matters not if we have anything of import, quality, even truth to share.  The personal sound bite is the voracious roar du jour. Not all of this can be lamented.  Some of it must serve in its fashion. Perhaps it is a by product of connecting the world? The questions are; how do we maintain a balance?  And, how do we prevent judgment in not being fabulously known, model-thin, and buffed, seriously young, decadantly wealthy? The extremes are silly siren songs which pull the middle line off course. How do we call for correction?  Is this impacting you? How? Where do find yourself reacting? What do you do about it?  Where are you creating balance?  I want to hear about you you, fabulous you. Asana Supta Virasana/Reclining Hero Pose.  This is not a pose for the stiff kneed, bad back, or faint of heart.  There’s a reason it’s named a hero.  Begin on your knees, allowing hips to settle down between the feet.  This is… Read more »

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Heart Care

Care of the Heart & Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels.  There are many forms of dis-ease associated with the heart.  It is the number one health problem in the Western world, which makes a loud meta-statement about the state of love, for the heart is the symbol of love and security.  Metaphysically heart attacks are invited into a body when the joy is squeezed out.  When stress and fear outweigh nurturing and pleasure, the heart hardens. Clearly this is not the place to go into the many serious heart diseases, but it is a good space to create new possibilities of thinking about heart care.  It is the perfect time to consider dietary changes, create a different work space, and up-date exercise attitudes.  This is the most wonderful moment to call joy, and vibrancy into daily habits and ritual. Of course consult with your physician before taking anything, especially if you have heart and blood issues. Nutrients Important to the Cardiovascular System Coenzyme Q & Germanium improve oxygenation in the tissuesCalcium & Magnesium support the muscular aspect of the heartL Carnitine reduces triglycerides and fats in the bloodLecithin and Vitamin E-  Lecithin acts as a fat emulsifier, and E speeds its assimilation.Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, and destroys free radicals.Primrose oil, or black currant oil, or olive oil are all sources of essential fatty acids that prevent the hardening of the arteries.Fresh lemon juice is a wonderful blood purifier that improves circulation and helps lower high blood pressure.  Drink a non-sugared lemonade first thing every morning. If blood pressure is low, drink ginger tea, add ginger to foods, along with the combination of apple cider vinegar, honey, and water, another good low pressure stabilizer. Include lots of garlic, (lowers high… Read more »

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Ramming Speed

The Universe has given marching orders for ever greater speed, and multi-layers of multi-taskery.  Perhaps because of the speed, I read Jane Austen-ish novels, and watch old movies where slaves are shackled to ship’s oar-benches.  They row to the steady cadence of the drummer’s beat, until orders drop from above, “Ramming speed!”  Slaves soon keel over from the fierce effort, leaving only the hero and a few uber-rowers panting sweat over their oars. You feel sorry for them until thinking, ‘Egad, their life was drab, but simple, We, on the other hand, are shackled to Ipads, Iphones, cellphones, computers, Blackberries, and a new, faster device I don’t know about yet, but is coming soon. Our daily cadence is Ramming Speed. Depite all the communication apps and snaps we’re not communicating with intimacy. We throw words at each other in drive by shootings. We hope something will stick but we can’t hang around long enough to find out. Intimacy requires time to ripen. It suffers from becoming a task.  It agonizes as we prioritize and parce ourselves out to loved ones.  Do I choose the friend who makes me laugh?  The one who is dying and needs long hours of witnessing? Is it the new neighbor who has called four times, and will not call again?  Who do I have time to be with? To be? To become? Because of all this, in honor of all this, the pre-launch of the re-configured website offers new links of relating, perhaps even unusual forms of intimacy. My hope is we row our boats ‘gently down the stream’ shackled together long enough to discover shared thought and wonderful relationship, even if we are at ramming speed. Asana: Camcatasana, better known as ‘Flipping your Dog.’ Enter from Adho Mukha Svanasana-Down Dog, lift R leg up and bend… Read more »

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The common, miserable, achy-breaky headache is almost always stress-related.  Therefore read notes for Anxiety & Stress as well. Astrologically, headaches come under the rulership of Mercury, thought process, as well as Mars, which rules the head. Mars is a fiery, hard-driving, take no prisoners-planetary energy. Headaches occur more often for Aries and Ayurvedic Pitta types as they tend to have a fierce life force. Headaches are the gift to bring bodies back into balance when over-thinking, over anxiousness, and over-criticalness make us feel less-than, and fearful. I am not addressing migraines here, other than to say that if the fundamental biochemistry of the body can be improved, very often the migraines disappear.  Some wonderful work with increasing levels of serotonin, (This is the neurotransmitter that fights pain, by exploring ways and means of expanding blood vessels, has had success. If you are at the mercy of too many headaches, start by changing your diet. Duh. The health of the digestive system leaves you less vulnerable to the ‘Sirene’s call.’ Stabilize blood sugar levels. Low sugar or hypoglycemia triggers migraines in some.  Stop and eat if you are getting tired and run down.  Don’t eat sugar or caffeine. Eat foods with magnesium, and take vitamin supplements of the same. The magnesium improves the flexibility of blood vessels and supports the function of serotonin receptors.  This is particularly important if you do have migraines. Partake of more B’s, especially B2- riboflavin. It mitigates headaches because it facilitates oxygen use by the tissues, especially skin nails and hair.  It helps with eye fatigue and helps prevent cataracts, It aids in the metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins. B2 is found in poultry, spinach, yogurt, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, nuts, eggs, fish, meat, and currants. Sometimes you can abort a headache if you take… Read more »

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