Who Is Samantha?

If you are curious to know me, my style of teaching, my adventures, and desires, read this wonderful interview by MysticMag. It reveals the breadth and width of my heart practice: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/

Yoga like love, opens closed doors. Yoga, as spirit, opens doors to willingness. Yoga, as a physical Practice, opens the unique connective-doors of body/mind/emotion waiting within each being. My work, my sustenance as a teacher is opening Yoga’s many doorways in order to nurture, support, and expand another’s life. This alchemical transformation on the mat is linked time and again to that off the mat. We learn courage to take the next step ~ be it a headstand, a longer Pranayama, or arm balance. The Practice offers a fabulous toolbox that supports our courage, and awakens spirit as we take on a new job, relationship, or big move. As we recognize our vulnerability and fears, we grow the muscle and spirit to regenerate and transform.

When students enter the studio door, I ask ~ “What are you seeking? What do you need? What are you willing to try?” My desire is to make their Yoga-Journey not only joyous, expansive, and courageous, but to offer unique structures for their needs. A student once said my classes were like a prayer. I return to this time and again to listen and observe without judgment, offering to meet a body where it is, not where it thinks it should be.

Whether instructing beginners or advanced, I am committed to a strong physical Vinyasa Practice with anatomical alignment and injury-free movement.  I ask students to be responsibly mindful of accepting their body’s needs, limitations, and gifts.  Classes include Asana, Pranayama, mudra, mantra, and poetry.  Energetically, I connect each class to solar/lunar cycles and the earth in her seasons.

“And you, dear Samantha, so generously make our Yoga rich with additional layers of zest-filled poetry, metaphysics, mudras, and energy info, encapsulating planetary magnetic forces. Your classes create frameworks connecting new and deeper comprehension of the larger world.
Thank you, dear one, for continually constructing a community in which we receive and share creativity, wisdom, and passionate care. You have this amazing capacity, despite the online distance, to remind us of our true selves. You connect us to all our parts and layers, so we inhabit a space of inviolable substance and safety!”     Laurel Meyer

Professional Experience

DAILY BREATH YOGA SCHOOL. Founder/Program Designer/ E-RYT-500 Instructor- Yoga Alliance

The school’s curriculum invites students to participate in advanced studies for CEU accreditation with YA,  and/or earn their 200 Hour Certification. My focus is deep personal training, set up for those with limited available time. The 200 Hour Teacher Training includes Asana, Sanskrit of Poses, Alignment, Sequencing, Anatomy, Subtle Body, The Sutras, Pranayama, Ayurveda, Teaching Methodology, and Assisting.


This Journal connects Yoga to life. Over 400 ‘Breaths’ have offered an international readership the opportunity to explore ambiguity, mystery, and paradox. As a dance and yoga instructor, I share the transformational healing power of movement; an ability to make the ordinary ~extraordinary. As an Astrologer, I bring awareness of planetary energies affecting the body, and how to best use them.  From years of meta-work, I offer ways and means of transmuting and expanding intuition and mind-body awareness.

International Yoga Instructor

Teaching in Spanish & French:  Workshops at Yoga Congreso de Valencia, Aix en Provence,  Avignon


MA | CA | France | Spain
Shakti Yoga Dances are an original collaboration of Yoga and dance. They are ‘asanas that dance the mat,’ creatively weaving breath, seasonal energies, mudra, mantra, and bandha into movement. Videos and teaching manuals support the graduates of the Shakti Yoga Dance Teacher Training and Certification. I instruct internationally in Spanish, French, and English.

Visit Shaktidances.com


International Clientele Via Zoom, and in-person through Boston area
My consultations provide in-depth soul-centered information, using a deep understanding of planetary, psychological, and spiritual energies.  Together, we look at your life-past, present, and future from a non-judgmental perspective in discovery of how you can grow more in tune with life, inhabit your hopes, and transform dreams. If you wish a consult, or have questions -email samcatcatcam@gmail.com


Wellesley, MA
Instruct Modern and Jazz technique classes for beginner to advanced. Advise and choreograph for the Wellesley College Dancers. Conduct yoga wellness programs, alumni workshops and provide yoga sessions for the President of Wellesley College. Awarded 4 Multi-Media Grants for performances and workshops connecting dance to the arts: Black Womanhood at the Davis Museum | The Arts In Dance | Dancing from the Right Brain | Images of Saints & Sinners.


Previous Workshops: Shakti Yoga Dances | Opening Doors~Linking Life | Yoga Mala for Solar Aid | Yoga for NEASC/commission of Higher Education | Change Agents I & II | Yoga & Astrology | Mandalas of Yoga | Linking Asana | Partnering Trust | Heart Care | Partner Stretches | The Valentine Heart. Yearly Rituals at Solstice and Equinox Quadrants

The Past

SUN VALLEY DANCE. Founder/Performer/Choreographer/Instructor. Sun Valley, ID
Established Sun Valley Dance Department and Sun Valley Dance, a small touring company, as a division of the Sun Valley Arts Center. Organized and instructed classes, multi-media workshops, and summer dance programs in Modern, Ballet, and Jazz, and performed solos for fundraisers and summer festivals.

Sun Valley, ID

Educational Certificates:

E-RYT 500 CERTIFICATION Led by Daniel Orlansky. The Arlington Center, MA




40-HOUR PRANAYAMA INTENSIVE.   With Yoganand Michael Carroll. Kripalu, MA

M.A. IN CHOREOGRAPHY. University of California Los Angeles, CA (Teaching Scholarship)

NYC: Limon Company | Jennifer Muller | Mathew Diamond | Alvin Ailey Studio | Martha Graham Studio | Finis Young/Ballet

ABROAD: Luigi/ Jazz & Jazz Centre, Paris | Flamenco, Madrid

sun08jan3:00 pmsun4:30 pmCosmic Planning | 2023 In the Palm of Your Hand3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

The Sanctuary

Coming Soon!

As our world ramps up to dizzying changes, we have an enormous opportunity to not only ride the tsunami of change but to emerge transformed!

Yoga & Pilates Classes, Meditations & Blessings, Current Astrology, and a like-minded community.

Astrological Consultations

Consult with Samantha.

Astrology can be put to the service of healing, transformational growth, stronger relationships, and so much more. Personal consultations, natal charts, and solar returns are available via Skype, ZOOM, telephone, or in person.

Learn more