Weekly Astrology



Sept. 29- Oct. 8


“True knowledge is not attained by thinking.  It is what you are; it is what you become.”    Sri Aurobindo

Wisdom Body Notes for Sept. 29-Oct.7  by Samantha Cameron

It is perfect to stand under a fiery Full Moon filled with the essence of growing a warrior heart at October’s threshold.  This Full Moon weekend pulls you into a Tango, dancing with your indomitable spirit,  partnering your passions.  It urges us to take initiative, be bold, creative and attend to our relationships.  The balancing act between the Aires Sun-“What about ME?” and the emotional Moon in Libra asking-“What about US?” Requires delicate negotiations of refining boundaries, and re-balancing the scales.  Consider taking a course in the fine art of negotiation and strategy.   Both Aires and Libra are ‘Cardinal Signs’ meaning they open gates and begin things, desiring to be in charge of directing traffic of all things to do with the Aires warrior of pushing boundaries, taking risks, and leading the troops, along with Libra demands to nurture partnership, and take relationships more seriously, even if we have to grow ‘the fist in a velvet glove’ to show them how to do it. 

Two other strong energies add consequence to this delicate art of balancing self with other.  One is the Lunar Nodes are passing through Aires/Libra, (For more ‘nodal information,’ re-read last week’s “FALL EQUINOX~Time For A New Tune”   https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/fall-equinoxtime-for-a-new-tune/ ).  Remember that the Nodes always add a karmic dimension to current messaging.  Plus we have a strong square between Venus and Uranus which asks we update and open to a wider understanding of all things Venus: relationship, value, money, and self-worth.  Uranus always adds an electric magnetism of change to whatever he touches. This square, which began its process back in July, with the beginning of Venus Retrograde, challenges us in a celestial dance of equilibrium and boundaries.  What Venus issues need shoring up?  What relationships need release or re-energizing?  What is our financial reality at this time?  How can I add value to my sense of self-worth? Individual necessity must find harmony with worldly demands.  Be aware that with the Nodes involvement much of what we clean out, create, and focus on during October has soul intention.

Facing two Fall Eclipses, the 14th and 28th, as well as Pluto’s massive forward standstill on Oct. 11th demands we negotiate passionate strategies during October.  It also asks we step it up as spiritual warriors as it will take a great deal of focus to keep the path moving forward with ideas clear, and hearts open.  We may be thrilled, or dismayed by the ongoing breakdowns, impulsivity, and disruption, with breakthroughs sure to partner our October Tango.  Turn your nose to follow your toes! Listen to your soles as they anchor you, and lead with courage into the unknown.  Indeed, the unknown continues calling~ Time to answer.  Yes, there will be curve balls, but innovation.  Breakdowns will transform into greater authenticity.  Mayhem offers Grace. Chaos frees us for deeper transformation.  Fasten your seatbelt as Re-Do is a harbinger of Best-Do!  Go out now and BECOME, creating your Do-Be-Do-Be-Do Dance!


For those wishing deeper insight into life, a forward look at future dreams, and greater understanding of the past and how it has shaped you~ There is no better time than now for an Astrological consult with Samantha.  email to: samcatcam@gmail.com for a Zoom or in-person session.  If you would like information about me and my work – go here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/

OCTOBER CLASSES~ Everyone Welcome!

Sat. Sept 30, 9 AM ET ~ This multi-level Vinyasa Flow class is Hybrid. Studio at 1 Edson Rd. Natick.Saturday, 30th, celebrates passions of the Full Moon in Aires. We shall layer mudra, pranayama, poetry, chakras, and Asanas that generate prana, and heal the emotional body. Intensions grow clear under this big light  growing new intentions, contentment, quiet joy, and a spacious wisdom body!  if you are new and wish a Zoom link-contact Samantha at- samcatcam@gmail.com. 

Tues Oct. 3, 8:30-9:30 AM  ET~Pilates Core & Stretch, Zoom only class has moved to Tuesdays through the fall ~ as I head back to Wellesley College to teach the girls how it’s done….. It’s great for beginners and advanced, wishing to connect and create pliable muscles of enduring strength.

Wed. Oct, 4, 5:30 pm ET ~ Vinyasa Flow through Laughing Dog Natick Studio, 1 Edson Rd. We are in studio, and/or Zoom is always available. Sign in at www.ldyoga.com This multi-level class engages and expands the Wisdom Body. We prepare for the Equinox with ritual & joy.


 YOUR PRACTICE THIS WEEK:  Be balanced as you move between Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, light and dark.  Yes, we are to be bold, even audacious as we create daily Practice, and deepen our Yoga.  But let’s use our practices to fund emotional as well as physical balance, to fix the fixable, and heal our relationship with self.  Can we create new and unusual practices that offer us more that what we give?  Is part of our art learning to receive unexpected gifts, and learning to move into mystery from the gift?  This is a month to remain open to magic through practical effort and the exercise of daily-do.

If you wish to know about my teaching style and background- go here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-samantha-cameron/

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:  Dear first week of Libran celebrants, you are always involved in relationships of every style and arc, but this year expect passion and boldness to infect your style.  Remember that your relationship with self is the one you want to truly celebrate, even as you discover things you wish to change, or become more pro-active about.  This is a year for you to sally forth in a new and more challenging manner.  Take risks, grow deeper connections within and without, and expand your beautiful warrior heart.  The world needs you.  Become the You- you absolutely love!!

Sept. 29-Oct. 8


“True knowledge is not attained by thinking.  It is what you are; it is what you become.”    Sri Aurobindo

Wisdom Body Notes for Sept. 29-Oct.7  by Samantha Cameron

It is perfect to stand under a fiery Full Moon filled with the essence of growing a warrior heart at October’s threshold.  This Full Moon weekend pulls you into a Tango, dancing with your indomitable spirit,  partnering your passions.  It urges us to take initiative, be bold, creative and attend to our relationships.  The balancing act between the Aires Sun-“What about ME?” and the emotional Moon in Libra asking-“What about US?” Requires delicate negotiations of refining boundaries, and re-balancing the scales.  Consider taking a course in the fine art of negotiation and strategy.   Both Aires and Libra are ‘Cardinal Signs’ meaning they open gates and begin things, desiring to be in charge of directing traffic of all things to do with the Aires warrior of pushing boundaries, taking risks, and leading the troops, along with Libra demands to nurture partnership and take relationships more seriously, even if we have to grow ‘the fist in a velvet glove’ to show them how to do it. 

Two other strong energies add consequence to this delicate art of balancing self with other.  One is the Lunar Nodes are passing through Aires/Libra, (For more ‘nodal information,’ re-read last week’s “FALL EQUINOX~Time For A New Tune”   https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/fall-equinoxtime-for-a-new-tune/ ).  Remember that the Nodes always add a karmic dimension to current messaging.  Plus, we have a strong square between Venus and Uranus which asks we update and open to a wider understanding of all things Venus: relationship, value, money, and self-worth.  Uranus always adds an electric magnetism of change to whatever he touches. This square, which began its process back in July, with the beginning of Venus Retrograde, challenges us in a celestial dance of equilibrium and boundaries.  What Venus issues need shoring up?  What relationships need release or re-energizing?  What is our financial reality at this time?  How can I add value to my sense of self-worth? Individual necessity must find harmony with worldly demands.  Be aware that with the Node’s involvement much of what we clean out, create, and focus on during October has soul intention.

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A splendidly mystical New Moon event took place for me this week when the online magazine, MysticMag, asked for an interview out of the bleu.  After reading many of their fascinating interviews, with a large number of women, of various talents and trades, I immediately said, “Yes!”  This link takes you to what they generously wrote.  It is a new, unexpected view of myself that is hard to hold, but I want to honor it.  It is a reveal I never thought to … well, reveal.  But if I could, I would wish for everyone to have a magical moment such as this ~Unexpectedly seeing yourself from the eyes of a wise stranger.

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Sept. 10-18


WISDOM BODY NOTES SEPT. 8-16   by Samantha Cameron

Endings & Beginnings, Forward & Backward, Inward & Outward ~We dance on with heart, nurturing the Wisdom Body.

Have you felt the shifting?  Some subtle, many and much not so subtle.  In the past 10 days, we’ve had three major planets stationing to move forward and backward.  Stationing planets are more powerful, even fierce helping turn up the heat of consciousness. They also turn up chaos, uncertainty, opportunity, and intention.   On August 28, Uranus, of the higher mind, stationed to go Retrograde -through Jan. 26, 2024.  On Sept. 3rd, after six weeks of inner exploration and re-do. Venus stationed to go direct.  On Sept. 4th, Jupiter stationed to go Retrograde for the coming two and a half months, taking us right up to the New Year.  It is a propitious time to take a long nap and re-think life.

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August 28-September 5


Wisdom Body Notes for August 28-September 5, written by Samantha Cameron

 August lights up as it turns toward its closing, illuminated by the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2023.  It is also the second Super Full Moon in August, opening doors for dreams – wrapped in a beautiful blue box.  This Super Blue Moon, in the sign of Pisces the fish, rings with spiritual song, creative ideas, and of course- confusion.  Pisces calls us to be ONE, and blossom from our care of one another.  But her beautiful ‘Bleu’ is colored by the opposition to the Sun in Virgo, AND a subdued Saturn embrace. Neither of these energies is about being ONE or having dreams, in fact, they are two oppositional energies to the deep feelings and intuitive calling of Pisces.  You might say that Wednesday’s lunation sings out, “Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em,” as it encodes a big dollop of Saturnian responsibility, sobriety and karma, which shackles the deep emotional expression of this brightest and largest of bleu beauties.

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