To Reach Another Shore

(You can sing this old timey rhyme to a rousing marching-rhythm, which feeds the heart, moves us out of fear, & leads onward in courage.)

How do we then cross over
Leave behind known shore
Decide to walk on water
Abandon shallow shoals?

When our lover lies in danger
And we’re running out of time
Can we navigate deep waters
Leave the construct of our mind?

Does faith fund itself
Truth sieve old wrongs through right
Are ‘always’ with ‘never’
Past habits dour blight?

Guided only by our longing
Not knowing why or when
The soul’s pole star direction
Leads toward home again.

Asana: Purvottanasana/Intense Front Body Stretch Pose. Sit with legs extended, placing hands, with fingers toward feet, by the hips. Taking a deep inhale, lift hips up, pressing soul’s of feet into floor, lengthen and strengthen legs up. Pay attention to keeping big toes down and parallel. Open chest, and heart, let head extend line of the back.

If it is not yet possible to keep the feet down, try ‘table Pose.’ Bring feet close to buttocks, and lift the hips up, forming a table-top from knees to head.

Health Notes: This Pose strengthens wrists, arms, and legs, while it invites us physically to breathe more deeply into what calls the heart to open. We are not only expanding the chest, and elevating the heart to the highest point, but opening the lungs, metaphysically, invites in more life.

Ayurvedic Notes: Like Yoga, the mind-body care of India’s ancient healing system includes spiritual philosophy, not necessarily religious, that brings practical applications to every day habits. Kapha Doshas is often unbalanced when bodies head into cold, wet weather. They need to avoid stagnation. Therefore practice a more energetic Yoga routine, stimulate desire with new poses. Let go old precepts and fears.

Astrologic Energies: Scorpio energy requires we re-orient the ego, often asking the separated-self, or the personal-self to die. Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio is under the orb of a profound spiritualizing, refining process. Where ever Pluto is in our charts speaks of an area, a home territory where we develop and improve special talents, as well as spiritual muscle.


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