August 21 – September 22
Key Words: “I Learn”
Virgo can sit quietly saucy as she plans how to make life more perfect. Mercury’s rulership brings an inherent mental duality to ideas, thought processes, communication, and consciousness. Virgo is where we become precise, practical, and organized. Ruled by Mercury, the ‘twin trickster,’ Virgo slides in as the last sign of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we move from Leo’s heart-centered ‘me-ness’ to Virgo’s ‘I want to make you better.’ The twin paradox of Virgo might lie in two questions: “How can I help?” And, “I know what’s best for you.” In her wish to be of service, she can be bossy. It’s important to remember when you’re being bossed about by a Virgo that it comes from a desire to heal and help. Like her representative, the Virgin, energy can express as refined, articulate, reserved, particular, and balanced. She is Goddess of the harvest, hoping to reveal what has been diligently refined, processed, and brought to fruition.
Virgo’s demand to clean out and complete daily tasks become clear in September. The message of the ‘stars’ is to get ship-shape in every way. Do baby steps toward new habits, 10 minutes of morning meditation instead of coffee. Become more responsible for health, do a short cleanse. Care for the planet, harvest with gratitude. Without Virgo energy somewhere in our lives, we would not understand the refinement of good habits, the principles of analyzing toward perfection.
Virgo often works with inferiority complexes because of her desire for perfection. She worries about carrying out the job well, and the highly geared nervous system often suffers, as well as the digestive system. The state of mind has a direct bearing on their health. When their analyzing abilities change from fault-finding to refining, life is smoother. Virgo refinement can extend to a more delicate appearance, especially when sitting on the Ascendant. It is only when Virgo becomes too fussy and critical that her age shows.
Virgo Polarities
Self-effacing vs. UnassumingObsequious vs. Solicitous
Critical vs. Meticulous
Manipulative vs. Helpful
Mercury Rules Virgo
Mercury is the messenger, lord of communication, and active intelligence. He is the great trickster and questioner of life. As the closest planet to the Sun, he is the hottest as well as the smallest; connecting thoughts and ideas quickly. Mercury in Virgo, and the natural ruler of the sixth house, has more to do with pulling things apart in order to understand. It separates and codifies with ease. Its interests have to do with daily habits, health regimes, and co-workers. This is earthier energy when compared to airy Gemini.
Body Rulership
Virgo rules the intestines where we separate the wheat from the chaff, where we utilize and receive nourishment, and eliminate waste. Mercury-ruled bodies tend to be thin, youthful, of medium height, often with blue eyes. Mercury also corresponds to the thyroid gland, working with respiration, therefore involving the lungs and larynx.
Balancing Virgo Energies through a Yoga Practice
Twists are the intestines biggest support to clean and clear.
Practicing with the mantra, “good enough,” is a great way to not get caught up in the drive to make it all perfect.
Using Pranayama helps release over-amped nervous systems, and critical, fault-finding habits.
The practice of breathing into the sound of “Om” intensifies meditative energy.
Work with Samana Vayu, the power of digestive fire, which controls abdominal organs and gland functions. Samana Vayu is concerned with understanding discrimination. Therefore practicing any poses using the Uddiyana bandha is very helpful as you have to pause, release to lift inwardly, and feel a subtle core power supporting the body.
Idris Elba, the actor, speaks of his process (Virgo) in creating the role of Mandela. The step by step ‘harvesting’ of another’s life, to become ‘a twin of Mandala on the stage, who also moved with Virgo energies, is a fascinating, highly Virgo process.
“Not having met the man, my dad does remind me of what I imagine him to be in person: the presence, the humor and the way he moves – elegant, but at the same time sturdy, a rock-solid guy. I channeled my dad’s energies because he was a big fan of Mr. Mandela and a union guy who struggled for the working man. Instead of a liberation struggle, his struggle was ‘My guys deserve steel-toed boots and a lunch break’. But Mandela was always part of the discussion.”