Engaged In Mystery

We can choose to perceive the mundane as a grand, and weird mystery, or a boring dump.  We can, and do, edit our viewpoints from multiple perspectives in every moment: spiritual, self-absorbed, short-sighted, hopeful, angry, in awe, confident, un-knowing, detached, add-on ad-nausea.  As Buddha said, if you are sad, wait until the next breath.   In last week’s Breath, my viewpoint struggled with personal boundaries, and short-sighted-crankyness. Buddha was not at hand, but you were.  Many took time to remind me what is important, and how to cross over old thresholds.  You held the vision until I could pick it up again for myself. I am grateful to all of you who wrote.  It helped turn the corner toward the mystery, and magical thinking held in this week’s Full Moon, or perhaps I needed to simply wait until Buddha, with my friends, came forth.

Last week, another far more mysterious and seemingly difficult boundary was crossed by Steve Jobs. But since he said with his last breath, “Oh wow.  Oh wow.  Oh wow.” We might assume impossible shifts of perspective and consciousness come when we need them, and come when least expected. They come as we live.  By that, I mean, they are highly personal views and expressions.  Steve Jobs’ life was extremely passionate and full of wonder.  “Oh wow.”  Is just what his personal ‘practice’ said time and again.  When George Harrison died, his last words were, “Love one another.”  That was the sound of his life, those were the songs he put into the world year after year.

Last words are the most powerful because who has time to re-think death with half truth’s and correct syntax?  The breath can only hold the core of the soul at that point.  What will you say on dying?  Where is the heart of your ‘life-practice’?  Who is the YOU that will surrender this loving, liquid, layered, laughing-life?

If 11-11-11 turns out to have answers to a great mystery, or if it is simply another magical, quotidian day, will we be able to shift perspectives into, “Love one another,”  “Oh wow,” Or, “The sky is falling?”  Since we all agree to shift time by an hour, which if you think about it, is fairly amazing… can we not come together to perceive war as a useless dead-zone? If we sent ourselves, or our own children off to die would we do it so easily?  If we practiced dying each day, would our point of view re-fill, and vibrate from the deepest wells of joy, passion, and mystery?


Asana: If we are to practice dying, daily, if not gaily, then Savasana is the pose to practice, eh? Corpse Pose lays us upon the mat to hear the desire body of the breath, to listen to the heart’s lub-dub of desire.  Savasana is the road home, the Zen-Master of our Practice.

For further information on website, go to Yoga, hit poses, or simply write in ‘Savasana’ in search box.

Health Notes: Since all life is a polarity, a contrapuntal tango of oppositions, we do not really live if we do not die.  We cannot be fully awake without sleep. Oppositions offer the spice and substance of learning to be present to say, “Oh wow.”

Astrology Notes: This week’s Full Moon in Taurus-Scorpio polarity says, “Dream Big.”  These dreams are a vote for our future, so they best be full of potent magic.

Being in Scorpio’s energetic territory until Nov. 21, always asks we create, that we express from the depths of our being.  This visionary week is full of possibility to regenerate and remember why we took incarnation.  No time like the present to become our best Selves, to vibrate at higher levels, and offer the world a much needed helping hand. “Oh Wow.”

Ayurvedic Notes: The 5000 year old practice of Ayurvedic medicine brings mystery home to a daily doing.  It is moment by moment attention to diet, sleep, time on the mat, time with Spirit, with Self, with loved ones. There in no pharmacopeia to make life better other than repeatedly showing up to nurture wholeheartedly, with dedication, perhaps even wonder and passion.

Filed under: POV


Jennifer Cooper

Samantha, This is so beautiful. I have tears in my eyes. We are mirror images of each other. I had so much fun dancing with you….It’s such a gift to have it on video. Thank goodness for Stephanie! Samantha, thank you for dancing into my life….xoxo

dottie Thomas

Preparing The Celebration, and dance with Jennifer moved me to tears with their beauty! Now, I can go read, and look again.



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