Like maple syrup, the Ojas, or life force, begins running more fiercely with still cold nights but warmer days. Like sap, we are invigorated to be more verb-like, less noun-ish, and with fortune our sap will heat and become sweet. Perhaps it is not so much fortune, but attention and diligence. It takes 40 gallons of sap to boil down for one gallon of pure maple syrup. Appreciate it a bit more? Might we appreciate our efforts put toward creating a higher life force? In snowbound winters we tend to be nouns, we be round beings with books, huddled by a fire. In spring, as warmth loosens cold joints, we dig, we do, we become verb-like. It’s a lovely sensation to feel sap beginning to flow, renewing elasticity, increasing our ability to become more, see wider, respond differently. Becoming ‘verby’ moves us into more active participation with the Universe. God knows we need it if we are to turn our 40 gallons of sap into a single gallon of fabulous taste. Requirements of a ‘good verb’ are: To attend our health, preventing illness as much as possible; to maintain emotional equilibrium no matter the crazies; to choose the appropriate energy to respond to whatever life offers. As our bodies warm and the life force flows, breathe in quiet moments, nurturing the inner life. April is a grand month, and on the first, we are fools if we don’t take our Practice to the next level in some small way. Let us consciously connect our physical ability to stand in perfect balance, and like the Fool of the first card in the Tarot, be willing to stride off cliffs. In other words, fully embrace the risks and excitement in these days. This spring may the sap run strong. It’s not just… Read more »
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