The happenstance of having a card fall out of a drawer saved you from receiving a rant today, and more importantly …saved me from remaining stuck in it. I’m always amazed by how the Universe offers opportunity to move on. Time and again, it subtly, or not so subtly, signals, “Turn left here, two inches only.” We pass on by for the most part, but sometimes we get lucky, and I think that with Practice we become luckier. “What is the card that fell from the drawer, that saved us both,” you ask? “Barn’s burned down, now I can see the moon,” is beautifully scripted across the front. Suddenly the depressive choke of late February changed. My grumpiness with heating bills run amuck, dirty snow, un-kept New Year’s promises, and no accomplishment on the horizon took the necessary two inch shift to the left. In that instant, an ‘OhmyGod’ moment manifested. “These ‘terrible days’ are my last wonderful days to turn within, to become quiet before green out-rushing spring energy pushes me elsewhere. In seeing ‘the moon’ my chich melted. How do these shifts happen? I don’t know. If I did I would not spend so much time confused, out of sorts, or raging at teapot-tempests. I realize I should be able to conjure small miracles, if one can classify any miracle as small, I’m a Yogini after all. Does that not imply I can create my own contentment, be at peace, in tune with whatever Ma Nature is handing out? Indeed. Truth be written, re-booting the passionate/peaceful/inspired life is no easy thing. I put a lot of junk in the way of attaining it, my attitude being the largest hurdle. Clearly what/how we think is the life we have. If you attach emotion to those thoughts then the Universe… Read more »
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