The Intersection Between Safe & Wild

Since life has grown fully committed to throwing curve ball after curve ball, I’ve been questioning choices between safe and wild. This choice has been in place since first breath when we began the journey as spiritual beings in material form to play within earth’s polarities. Understanding and re-working these intersections of never ending paradox, is to maneuver life successfully. Moving too far off center is wild and exciting, but makes rebounding back, difficult. Growing too narrow and safe, forgetting we came here to dance between heaven and earth, puts us in danger of getting stuck on the shelf. Safe is necessary, and oh so nice, but that shelf-life is getting shorter and shorter. Have you noticed?

The journey of discovering who we are meant to be VS what the family wants us to be, is a first glimmering of safe contra wild. As we get older, another conundrum is becoming really good at something we don’t want to do. It is so safe to ‘be at home’ within a successful self. Everyone applauds. How then to fling ourselves into an unknown abyss, possibly not being successful as someone else? Another treacherous intersection is choosing a partner who supports our safe and wild parts in equal measure, despite the fact parts if us terrify them. Governments are desperately seeking middle ground as the wild has grown so very outré, and the safe has totally gone past it’s ‘sell date.’ The world’s fast spin no longer allows any shelf-squatting. How do we learn to dance these waters?

One practice can be Shakti Yoga Dances. Last week, a Yoga friend said, “These Dances are creative intersections between safe and wild.“ I was elated she saw them in that light as the choreographies do reflect life, twisting back and forth to deepen emotional muscle in support of the mind-body struggle to find balance.

The 4th of July is a good time for a centering-practice, something offering fluid navigational skills to expand perception, and awareness. Let’s celebrate the birth of our country by contributing to her healing. What a fine thing to be part of re-structuring a balanced core so everyone has choice to walk the wild side in a safe way.


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Sat. July 2~ A wild yet safe Saturday class celebrates the 4th! ~ 8:30 AM ~Blue Lotus Yoga, 945 Great Plains Ave, Needham.




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